Adolescent and Adult Reading Help
Neuhaus Academy is a service of Neuhaus Education Center, a non-profit educational foundation dedicated to promoting reading success. Neuhaus believes reading is a right and success is the outcome.
Simple, personalized, web-based lessons to increase reading performance.
Neuhaus Academy helps adolescent and adult learners improve reading skills by offering simple online instruction tailored to specific learning needs, allowing each learner to work at his or her own pace. The words Neuhaus Academy teaches are found in academic textbooks, classical and business literature, and high-stakes tests such as ACT and SAT.
The lessons, designed for instructional purposes in the United States, provide clues for reading unfamiliar words and understanding word meanings. In addition to meaning, pronunciation and spelling, each lesson provides world and cultural knowledge to enrich critical thinking and comprehension. Teachers can use Neuhaus Academy for whole group, small group or individual instruction.
Neuhaus Academy courses are always free for learners, are customizable by instructors, and offer instructor or district-level permissions and controls.
Printed companion materials are also available for purchase at the Neuhaus estore. Learners can listen to the Companion Reader Passages as they follow along in their Readers.